Monthly Archives: May 2017

I’ll love you just as you are and still wish for more

To my littlest cub, In two days, you turn thirteen. Thirteen.  I can’t seem to wrap my brain around this number.  I’d even say with conviction, that I’ve been in absolute denial about it. There are so many things I want and wish for you and as you age, they seem further and further from […]

When Fidgets Become Trendy

The fidget spinner craze!  Have you heard of it?   A new “fidget” hit the markets and immediately became the newest sought-after toy among elementary and middle school students.  It’s a small hand held toy that spins on different bearings which each give different sensory feedback.  Though the craze has just recently begun, the design was […]

Why aren’t you practicing handwriting?

Children are often referred to occupational therapy for handwriting difficulties, especially within the educational model.  Yet, you’ll rarely see me doing handwriting within one of my sessions.  And this often baffles the minds of the parents and teachers who have brought their child/student to me. The reason is, as an occupational therapy practitioner, I’ve been […]