Monthly Archives: January 2015
Ten Reasons to Embrace the Storm
I’m hearing a mixture of reports from my friends, clients, and family on whether or not everyone is looking forward to or dreading the arrival of “historic blizzard of 2015”. I’m going to against the grain and embrace this. I’m excited. I’m looking forward to it. Before you call me crazy, let me plead my case: […]
Things We Don’t Take For Granted
Aristotle said, “Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” I try not to sugarcoat when things get hard at our home. There’s a lot of worry and dedication and time and patience and sleepless nights that go into raising a child with special needs. But there’s […]
Top Five OTA Gems
As an occupational therapy assistant (OTA), I find myself doing my best to help parents through tricky times in their lives. You read my blog….I, obviously, don’t have all the answers all the time. But I do find myself giving out these five tidbits over and over again. No, they don’t have to do with […]
He Hit Me.
It was that terrible hour before bed. The hour where I proclaim all electronics are off limits and my children must use their toys or their imagination or both, oh the horrors. Brian needed a shower and he begrudgingly entered the bathroom, still on the cusp of being angry over the no-electronics lock-down. We’ve been […]