Monthly Archives: November 2014
Home Is Where the Heart Is
I have a hard time with change. Much like children with autism, change really messes with my routines and throws me for a loop. Even good change. Like buying a home. Our family is in the process of buying a house. We’ll be moving into it very soon. So many possibilities. Everyone keeps congratulating […]
What’s Your Super Power?
“So, what’s his super power?” I have seriously been asked that question about a half dozen times. Granted it’s been a few years since the last time, and I hope that is a representation of autism awareness growing. Sometimes people have seen Rain Man one too many times and think they know autism. Or they […]
Autism Lives Here
A Birthday Letter
Dear Corbin, Last night, we had a family birthday party for you. I love getting our family together to celebrate someone’s birth, particularly when it’s one of my boys. It was so much fun talking with everyone, watching you smile and laugh, and seeing you light up with your gifts. So much fun until your […]
Being Honest With Myself
This year Brian trick or treated for a grand total of 20 minutes. Not the worst year, not the best either. During those entire 20 minutes he kept pointing back to home while whimpering. Once he got home he stripped his costume off with lightning speed and hunkered down on the couch. Brian loved his costume […]